Mobile apps

for your Active Enjoyment

JoggerLogger(Pro) Manual Android

Tips & Tricks

The JoggerLogger starts a service for the recording of the data.  It works best if you from the MainPage just press the home (middle button at the bottom of your phone) and then lock the screen from there, putting the phone in a pocket while you are jogging.  If you use the back button from the main screen, the service will stop, and no data will be recorded.  We recommend to keep an eye on that the service is still running using your phone’s Active Applications Manager, to ensure all wanted data is recorded.


Be accurate with your settings and recordings. 

The JoggerLogger assumes you are at least standing up when you are recording.  Remember you can trick the program to record to many kcal’s used, but you can’t fool your body.


If you suspect your web links or their passwords are used by people you don’t(no longer) want to see your location, email and we will change your passwords  and email you new links (Can take up to a week).


From version 5.1 the app uses Google Maps and require your device to use Android version 3 or higher. If you have upgraded and your device do not meet the requirements, you can still use the app by setting Upload To to No under Settings.





