Mobile apps for your Active Enjoyment |
MarineLoggerPlus Manual Android |
Main Page |
Here you see the main page / info display. It tells you the: Current Speed Total Travel Time, Course Travelled Total Distance Trip Distance, Average Speed, Average Speed, Current Position (Can take a while for your phone to find your current position)
This page has 7 buttons at the bottom. - Start Logger - - Trip Reset - Settings - Manual - Fleet - Logs
“Start Logger” Will start the update of the display at the selected interval and start logging your data. (only possible after current position found)
“Settings” will bring you to a page for adjusting the basics of the MarineLogger like recording interval, interval for uploading position to web, position display, display type for speed and distance and compass type and boat name.
“Manual” will bring you to this page in the MarineLoggerPlus manual on the webpage
“Fleet” gives you a display of other boats / your friends positions.
“Logs” gives you access to your recorded data and possibilities to graph your speed and map your routes taken.
If you like your data raw, the info recorded by the MarineLogger is stored in a file on you external storage (usually a data card like an sd card) under the directory Her you will find a file for each day you have recorded, and monthly summary files of each recording, containing all the recorded data in a semicolon separated format.
If your phone uses gps only to determine position, it can take up to 30 minutes to find the current position first time. If it also is allowed to use mobile networks for this it can be reduced to maybe just 3 minutes. If you don’t manually stop the MarineLoggerPlus service between sessions of using MarineLoggerPlus. this will be reduced to seconds. .
The volume of app is controlled by the normal volume buttons of your device. Press volume up on your device then press the 3 dots and adjust the volume for “Media” (second from left) to desired level.
To ensure continuous background running on later versions of Android you will have to open; Android Settings - Battery and device care - Battery - Background usage limits - Never sleeping apps - and add MarineLoggerPlus to the list. Else the OS will quickly kill the background process that does the continuous calculations, local position saving and upload of position if enabled.
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