Mobile apps

for your Active Enjoyment


 Manual WinPhone

Greeting Lists

This is where you enter/changes the details of your greeting lists. 

The Greeting List is a where you can send the same message to multiple contacts who each will receive it individually.  Sample New Year Greetings.

It is also where you can set up alternative greetings/messages (more than 1) to the same contact.

Sample using the Contact page for their birthday and the Greeting List for Christmas/Easter/Anniversary.


Selected Greeting is where you select what greeting to send on the designated date and time


Recipients is where you select which ones of your contacts are in (receive the greeting) or out.  Move them between the lists by using a LongClick on their Contact Name.  The lists can be swiped up and down to see more contacts. 


We will send the greeting individually to each of the contacts marked as in, at the designated date and time:  Select year, month, day and hour by using the arrows for up and down.  If you go down enough you can bring the year setting to annually meaning we will send the greeting/message  every year on that date.  One further down brings it to disabled which mean we will send no greetings/messages to that greeting list.



There is 3 buttons at the end of the page:

Manual brings you to this page of the manual on

Cancel just brings you to the previous page

The last larger button changes depending on if you are.

Creating a new greeting list:

Create Now

Changing a greeting list:

Update Now

