Mobile Mobile Apps for your Active Enjoyment


Manual Android

Master Limits

Here you see som essential settings of the company.

Display name displayed on all the app’s pages, 

3 letter short name for the company.

 Limitations for  how many children per adult, and totals for how many infants per leg and how many immobile per leg, can be booked.


These data can be changed and will have an immediate effect on future logins and bookings.


This page has 4 buttons at the bottom. 


“Cancel” Will bring you back to the Main Menu Page.



Manual” brings you to this page of the MoonCBook manual on the website.

“Save Now” Save changed access for the user to the local and backend system.


All data are per company.

BE careful with how you manipulate these data after go-live. Sample; You don’t want to mess up how boarding card scan’s with an airport, or exceed legal limits.


