Mobile Apps for your Active Enjoyment


Manual Android


This page let you automatically send update reports for departure and arrival of the progress of a plane/ferry/bus during the operational day. Your crew will  open the app and select the virtual transport unit they are operating that day. Then press the Start button. As long as the app runs it will keep updating when the destinations are reached/departed. When crew finish their shift, press Stop to stop the tracking.


Alternatively you can update the status of a leg by selecting it’s status from the list to the right, selecting the hour and minute that happened and pressing Save Now.


You can also enter and upload a comment about a particular leg or issue. Write the Comment and press Save Now.


At the end of each leg you see the latest status update.



This page has 4 buttons at the bottom. 


“Cancel” Will bring you back to the Main Menu Page.


“Start/Stop” Starts and stops the tracking function on the device.

Manual” brings you to this page of the MoonCBook manual on the website.

-“Save Now” (If permission) If you want to enter a comment or a status write it in the Commend field and press Save Now..


Tracking depends on that each destination’s position has been saved by going into the Destinations page, selecting the destination and pressing plot at the point where you want tracking to take place. This will save the destinations position to the backend.  Don’t forget to press Save.


Tracking’s accuracy can be adjusted by setting how close to the plotted point you want it to kick in. For an airport you’d probably want it to be about 2000 meters while for a bus route each stop’s radius would be more like 50 meters.


Comments can by default be read by this page, Operations, Ground Ops  and Customer Services.


Status updates could be done by anyone locally based that has an oversight of the situation and is given access.  Sample a dispatcher or  local operations.



